ISI ULANG Baterai Alkaline
Baterai alkaline adalah produk  baterai yang memiliki energi yang maksimal, kegunaannya untuk elektronik yang memerlukan penyerapan daya yang banyak. Alkaline biasanya di pakai untuk kamera Photo, lampu blit pada kamera, mainan anak-anak dan lain-lain. Baterai alkaline ada dua macam yang dapat di isi ulang / casger, dan yang tidak dapat di isi ulang.


Video diatas  akan mendemontrasikan penggunaan  TAB untuk  DAFTAR isi, silakan di amati dengan seksama dan  praktekkan, kalo perlu,..... sedot GAN.


Pengaturan TABULASI???

Sebelum anda mempelajari pengaturan TAB ada baiknya anda mengetahui terlebih dahulu simbol TABULASI dan fungsinya.


Styles penggayaan writing the word. The function of styles to create a style of writing is used repeatedly in the paper manufacturing interests that require quick editing. Styles also serves to identify a form of writing that is set into a particular storage that can be used to create a Table of Contents in outomatis in WORD. While the style is defauld form shown in Figure above and is identified or named in accordance with the intended purpose of penggayaan, for example, is: Heading 1 is used for typing reports TITLE CHAPTER on such later Heading 2 is used for the SUB TITLE CHAPTER continued with Heading 3 is used for SUB SECTION TITLE AFTER so on
Gambar bentuk style dasar


Uuntuk memulai sebuah pembelajaran, dibutuhkan kesabaran untuk menjalaninya. Tekat, ketelitian dan kesabaran harus dipupuk dalam jiwa dan diri sendiri semaksimal mungkin agar maksud dan tujuan tercapai. Semua bidang pembelajaran GRATIS yang ditawarkan pemerintah maupun swasta jika tidak didasari dengan keinginan yang kuat oleh guru sebagai pendukung dan siswanya sendiri sebagai objek pembelajaran maka, tidak akan berhasil sebuah usaha untuk memintarkan generasi muda kita ke jalan yang lebih baik.
Sedikit membahas tentang PARAGRAF Mau?? langsung aja ....


Gambar 3
Coba Langka  2 untuk menjalankan word.


Gambar 1
Kami menganggap bahwa yang belajar di SOCKET Sudah menyiapkan media ajar berupa program Word  di Komputernya masing-masing.


Gambar Jendela Paragraf- Paper/Kertas


Thank you for visiting Computer Socket BLOGS. This blog is in the process - reform, that changes and pembaruhan from previous blog BLOG OUR learning as well as the media campaign. Typing program issued by Microsoft that dikelnal decent public rights are Microsoft Office Word is a program that is able to meet the needs of office especially for the task of typing in make letters or other important documents in a digital format. There needs to be a basic or advanced learning to know and to maximize employment of microsoft office word program in meeting the needs of its users. One BLOGGER attempting to meet the needs of users especially students and the general public through the media GENERAL ON-Line. PURPOSE Building a media blog learning, especially typing a document, which was prepared from the beginner level to the advanced level, to assist in the learning ON-Line. MEDIA Computers are one of the media, while the Word is a device, targets and instructional media. TARGET All people everywhere. Expected to meet the specific needs LEARNING ON-Line Benefit. Criticism, Suggestions and Ideas sumbangsi expected to help increase the field of teaching is good, easy and convenient especially for beginners that can be absorbed easily and is easy to learn and follow. SALAM BLOGGER